How to get paid

Newzulu is a publishing platform for your news, but we also make your stories available in a global marketplace of over 7000 media outlets. This is essentially a 3-part process:

1. Once your submission has been vetted by our editorial team and published on Newzulu, it is simultaneously made available for licensing to our media clients through Newzulu Wire.
2. We are constantly selecting stories and publishing them through our affiliate partners, like the Agence France Presse newswire, and the Australian Associated Press, which reaches thousands of media clients worldwide.
3. Our sales team works on a case-by-case basis to sell individual stories that we feel can have a high news value for specific national and international publications in different countries around the world.

When a photo, video or article is sold through Newzulu Wire, through our affiliate partners or exclusively to a specific publication, our contributors are paid the full fee minus a percentage taken by Newzulu, which varies according to the news value F.A.Q of your submission.

Payment is made on average less than 60 days after a sale is made, by crediting the contributor’s PayPal account or by individual wire transfers for those contributors without access to PayPal.